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Remote Working: Managing Culture, Wellbeing And Productivity 

Recorded on Monday, 14 December 2020 – 11:00 am  12:30 pm

Now more than ever managers are faced with competing and, in some cases, conflicting duties. The duty to ensure business continuity, whilst continuing to protect and support the health and safety, wellbeing and mental health of their workforce.  

Informed organisational practices and skilled line managers play an important role in promoting employee wellbeing as well as managing productivity. 

This bespoke 90 minute webinar was hosted by Howlett Brown Co-Founder and Managing Director, Charlene Brown and Howlett Brown Consultant, Laura Durrant, both culture, legal and D&I experts. They were joined by Beingworks, Elaine Carnegie, who is a mental health and wellbeing expert and works with clients, enhancing and creating strategy to support robust sustainable change around mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

This collaboration of experience and expertise means that viewers will benefit from the very best advice on managing a remote workforce during difficult times.

The session provides information and insight into managing employee wellbeing and mental health, with the aim to increase literacy levels around mental health and help viewers effectively manage the mental health and wellbeing of their teams, whether that’s remotely or as people eventually start to return to the office.  

The panel explored the emerging trends, data and the impact of COVID-19 on the workforce. Highlighting the importance of striking the right balance between achieving your managerial goals and focusing on the strategic direction of the organisation whilst maintaining staff morale, wellbeing and engagement from a remote workforce.  

The webinar is aimed at managers and HR professionals and focuses on education and literacy around managing employee mental health and wellbeing, productivity and workplace culture, highlighting the importance of looking at all areas in synergy and how to strike the right balance.  

Benefits of the webinar:

  • Gain an increased knowledge, awareness and understanding of how to balance managing workplace culture, employee wellbeing and productivity in the current climate.
  • Receive practical advice and ideas to apply the learning.
  • Understand what resources are needed to support good mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Watch on demand

You can register to watch this webinar on demand here.